Being Patient When Starting a New Job

Your new job might be the greatest turning point of your career. It might just be what you have been working for all your life!. It is intriguing and very exciting. However, you should not be too rushed to embark on it. Anxiety and enthusiasm will definitely be there, and you may make choices and decisions that you may regret all your life. Make sure you are careful when stepping into a new job.

Here are some of the things you should do just before embarking on the new job.

1. Take a vacation

This is very important since it is challenging to switch from the mode you were previously in to this new mode. You need time to reflect and to release tension and stress that may occur as a result of the new position that you have acquired. Now
that your mind is set on this, you can now go ahead and go to the job for a start.

2. Engage your team members to know more about your role

It is important to have a clear picture of what your goal is at the new business. When you immediately embark on a project without clearly knowing what to do or having an assumption based on the knowledge from the internet, you will surely be at the losing end. Each company has duties for a specific role and at times they may differ. This will therefore necessitate having intense knowledge of a particular role before embarking on it. Have a meeting with managers or recruiters and have a role-oriented discussion.

3. Dedicate one day to learn how things work

At a new work setting, you do not expect the same practices as those you had accustomed yourself to, or what you had prepared yourself for. It is therefore a very wise decision to dedicate one or two days where you are the first person into the workplace and the last person to leave. This will give you a clear picture of what goes on in the company and how the culture is oriented. It will also assist you in refining you time habits to suit your new job. This suggestion can be used in various working environments, whether it is your first day fixing a blocked kitchen sink as a plumber or your first day putting together data and analysis for a law firm.

4. Observe what happens and enquire where necessary

In the first few days or weeks, dedicate your time and energy solely to learning how work is done in the workplace. This may include learning how the company organizes its slides on a presentation or even the best way your boss would recommend you to approach a blocked toilet, these tasks can vary depending on the industry. You can get more insights on this by engaging your fellow workmates on how they are done and actively selecting one trial project to gauge your understanding and to correct where you may be going wrong. This will avoid repetitive or poor quality work in future. You wouldn’t want that in your resume or your conscience!

5. Get a mentor

According to the role you had been allocated, you are now conversant with who does what and the general business dynamics or business model. It is now time to choose someone who will carry you through your adaptation phase of the new job. Identifying a mentor, as obvious as it may seem, may be pretty challenging. Of course you may want the boss to be your mentor, but you can identify other individuals who are very good at what they do to carry you forward in the learning process.

These steps will help you enjoy your employment at the company for the duration. Have a great basis and start to opt for a great stay and meaningful interactions with fellow workmates.


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